If you eat better, you exercise better

Pictures and text are taken from MENU.no

Exercising properly and regularly is good for both body and soul. Unfortunately, many people forget that food is just as important for the session to have the greatest effect. You can think of it as food being the fuel for the body - it does not work without it. Here are MENU's best tips for how to eat before and after exercise.

Without food and drink even a genius can not

It is important to eat enough food before a workout. Enough and proper food. You do not fill a diesel car with petrol, do you? So it is for our body as well. For example, if you are going to run a marathon, you may want to eat foods high in carbohydrates such as pasta, rice, grains and bread. This is because it fills your glycogen stores and ensures that the body is full of energy. Otherwise, fish and chicken with lots of vegetables are a sure winner. Also remember to eat enough food so that you do not run out of petrol before the workout is over.

It is recommended to eat the main meal 2-3 hours before exercise!

How about trying one of these delicious (and healthy) recipes before exercise?

The picture is taken from MENY.no

It is also important to get enough water before, during and after training. We lose a lot of fluid when we sweat, and if we do not replenish, the body becomes slack and you perform worse. Water is definitely the best, but a little juice or a sports drink can be recommended when the training lasts over an hour, such as in a marathon.

And you? Eat a banana right after exercise, and then a larger meal in the hours afterwards.

The recipes below are perfect for training:

The picture is taken from MENY.no

Remember to look at the right food and drink as something holistic, and not just the days you train or run marathons. A bad dinner today can affect your workout tomorrow.

Good workout!

Greetings MENU



Age: 45

Residence: Bærum

Distance during the BMW Oslo Marathon 2020:
I run half, and of course aim to have the widest smile all the way.

Previous participation in the Oslo Marathon:
«10 for Grete» 2013, Half Marathon 2014 and 2015, 2017 and 2018 and marathon in 2019.

Three words that describe me:
Outgoing, Smiling, Energetic

Instagram: @muddylicious