On this page you will find information on everything you need to know to participate in the Christmas Challenge.
Send an email to info@oslomaraton.no or contact us on Facebook if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Click on the question you want more information about.
For every person who signs up, we donate a hot meal to The Church City Mission's Christmas campaign; Give joy to someone who dreads Christmas. This means that your registration contributes to The Church City Mission being able to serve a hot meal to someone who needs it. Read more about The Church City Mission and their work on their website .
Påmeldingen for Julechallenge 2024 er nå åpen, og du melder deg på via vår nettside.
Read more about the various challenges you can sign up for under "How does Christmas Challenge work?".
Of course you can! Bring the whole office, your family and friends to join the Christmas Challenge. Participate as a team and motivate each other to get moving and stay active for a good cause throughout December!
You can sign up for the Christmas challenge right up until 24th of December if you want to! When you sign up, you are in any case entered into the draw for the daily challanges you participate in. At the same time, you support The Church City Mission's Christmas campaign, Give joy to someone who dreads Christmas, regardless of when you sign up.
BUT - If you want to take part in the main draw you must complete a minimum of 15 out of 24 daily challenges . This means that you must register on the 9th of December at the latest , and complete all the daily challenges up to and including 24th of December.
You can also re-register sessions if you sign up after the Julechallenge has started. Just click on the slots you want to re-register, and they will be counted in your total number of completed sessions.
It is of course possible to give the Christmas challenge as a gift - and what a nice gift it is! At the same time as you get them moving, you are also helping to make more people who dread Christmas happy! Challenge or take friends, family or colleagues with you on the year's finest Christmas calendar!
We will open for gift card purchases closer to December 2024.
Du betaler 229,- kroner for å delta på Julechallenge, uansett hvilken av de fire variantene du velger.
For every person who signs up, we contribute to The Church City Mission's Christmas campaign; "Give joy to someone who dreads Christmas". This means that your participation contributes to The Church City Mission being able to serve a hot meal to someone who needs it.
Our four different Christmas challenges are:
The daily challenges contain a nice mix of shorter and longer sessions. Good luck, and enjoy our Christmas challenge in December!
No, unfortunately that is not possible.
But remember that you can walk, jog, jog, run, cycle, ski or use a treadmill. You can also split your sessions, see more information about this under "Can I split a challenge into several sessions?".
Julechallenge is a Christmas calendar that challenges you to get moving in December. Every day from December 1st to 24th, we'll open a new door that tells you how many kilometers you have to move that day. You must complete the challenge on the date of the challenge and register your session before 23:59 on the same day.
You choose how you want complete each daily challenge. You can walk, gog, jog, run, ski, cycle, be outside or inside on a treadmill - it's all up to you!
You log the session using a smartphone, smartwatch or activity band that supports session logging. You then register the session to confirm that you have participated in today's challenge. Read more about how to register your session under "How do I complete a daily challenge?".
Don't want to register the time of your session? You can register as "Finisher" without time. Read more about the different options for registering your sessions under "How do I register my sessions?"
The prize pool
You choose how many hatches you want to carry out, but for each hatch you participate in and register, you are included in the daily draw for a prize from one of our partners. If you complete and register a minimum of 15 out of 24 hatches, you will be in the main draw after 24 December. There we have a COMPLETELY RAW prize pool with lots of nice prizes. See the entire prize pool here!
We have four different Christmas Challenges, each with a different number of kilometers to be completed in total, divided into 24 doors.
Our four different Christmas challenges are:
The daily challenges contain a nice mix of shorter and longer sessions. Good luck, and enjoy our Christmas challenge in December!
Every day we open a new door in the calendar!
You can find the hatches on "my page". Click on "your Christmas calendar" and you will get the entire calendar. A closed hatch has bow ties on it, an open hatch has no bow ties. The hatch for the next day will be available at 20:00, then you have the opportunity to plan a little how you will carry out the opening the day after.
The challenge must be completed on the date it applies to and you must register your session before 23:59 on the correct date to be entered into the draw for today's prize.
Start the session on your chosen device and complete the distance in today's challenge.
You must time yourself/log your session. You can do this using a smartphone, smart watch, heart rate monitor or an activity band that supports session logging. This will be your personal "virtual timer". You can also register your challenge without entering a time, see more information further down the page.
Do you have a device that records breaks/pauses? Although your device may record breaks/pauses you take throughout your session, our time system does not! It measures the total time of the session, from start to finish.
Finishing and registering your session
When you have completed the number of kilometers required by the day's slot, you stop the session and save it to your device. You then go to "my page" and to "your Christmas calendar" to register your session.
You can also register your time manually, and if you simply do not want to register your time, you can choose to register completed without time.
Read everything about how you can register your hatches HERE .
Will my session be visible to others?
You can choose whether you want to register your time on the challenges you complete. If you choose to register your time, others will see your time in the results list.
Do I have to register my time?
No, you don't have to. If you do not wish to register a time, you register as "Finished" without a time.
Prize draw
For each door you register, you are entered into the draw for today's prize. If you complete 15 out of 24 doors, you are also in the main draw for 24 December! So here it's just a matter of completing as many doors as you can!
Of course you can! You simply add up the time of the sessions you have completed to reach the target for today's challenge, and register the total time on your daily challenge using the alternativ for manual time registering. If you do not want to enter a time for your sessions, you register as finished without entering a time.
You will not be able to use any of the other options to record time, as it is not possible to merge two or more logged sessions into one session.
If you complete the the daily challenge in this way, you are still included in the prize draws. Just remember to register the challenge before 23:59 same day!
All smartphones, smartwatches, fitness watches or activity bands that support tracking of sessions can be used.
If you don't have a watch, you can use a smartphone by downloading the Strava app. This is the easiest way to record your runs. Here you can create a profile for free, and you can easily use the app to log your session. At the end of the session, you can easily register the session with time if you wish.
Read everything about how to register your session under "How do I register my session?".
When you have completed the number of kilometers required by the day's slot, you stop the session and save it to your device. You then go to "my page" and to "your Christmas calendar" to register your session.
You can also register your time manually, and if you simply do not want to register your time, you can choose to register completed without time.
Read everything about how you can register your hatches HERE .
Is the total number of kilometers in your session shorter or longer than the daily challenge required?
For your time to be true, you must complete the number of kilometers required in the daily challenge.
If you have moved further than the daily challenge requires, you are fine, the system cuts the session at the correct number of kilometres.
If the session is shorter than the challenge requires, our system will calculate an average time based on the total of your session, and therefore you will not get your true time.
For å være med i trekningen av premiene må du registrere øktene for å bekrefte at du har deltatt i lukene i kalenderen. Du er selvsagt hjertelig velkommen til å melde deg på kalenderen uten å registrere øktene dine, da er du uansett med og støtter en god sak!
You choose whether you want to register your session with or without time. If you register with time, others can see your time in the results list.
Ettersom mange fullfører lukene på ulike måter har vi ikke en resultatliste, men du kan se hvem som har fullført de ulike lukene for 2024 her. Registrerer du luken din med tid vil tiden din vise i lista.
If you are a registered team, you can search for your team in the list and see who has completed the different slots.
Vil du ha en ekte medalje?
Om du vil kan du unne deg selv en nydelig glass-medalje som premie for innsatsen på årets Julechallenge! Og om du ikke vil ha den rundt halsen kan du henge den på juletreet, det medfølger nemlig bånd til begge deler!
Medaljen bestiller du ved påmelding, eller du kan bestille den i etterkant på «Min side». Vi sender deg medaljen i posten. Den koster 250 kr om du bor i Norge. Om du bor utenfor Norge vil det tilkomme et ekstra gebyr for post til utlandet.
Ønsker du å motta medaljen før jul må du bestille den innen 13. desember.
You choose how many doors you want to carry out, but for each one you participate in and register, you are included in the daily draw for a prize from one of our partners. The winners of the daily draws are contacted by email and published on Instagram .
Fullfører du og registrerer minimum 15 av 24 luker er du med i hovedtrekningen etter 24. desember. Der har vi en HELT RÅ premiepott med masse fine premier. Se hele premiepotten for 2024 HER.
The winners of the main draw will be drawn and announced on Boxing Day (December 27). The winners will be contacted by email and published on Instagram .
For årets Julechallenge logger du deg inn på «min side» via linken i påmeldingsmail du får av oss. Dette er ikke den samme mailen fra OnReg som inneholder kvittering.
Om du ikke har mottatt denne mailen er det trolig noe feil med e-post adressen du har registrert på din profil. Systemet vårt sliter med å sende ut til @online kontoer. Send oss en mail til info@oslomaraton.no med en alternativ mailadresse, så får vi oppdatert og sendt ut påloggingsinfo på nytt!
Bislett Stadium
Entrance 1
Louisesgate 1
0168 Oslo
Our events
© 2022 Oslo Marathon
Age: 45
Residence: Bærum
Distance during the BMW Oslo Marathon 2020:
I run half, and of course aim to have the widest smile all the way.
Previous participation in the Oslo Marathon:
«10 for Grete» 2013, Half Marathon 2014 and 2015, 2017 and 2018 and marathon in 2019.
Three words that describe me:
Outgoing, Smiling, Energetic
Instagram: @muddylicious