Runs with the message "Stop war in Syria"!

Debutant: Shahem Deirk, 47 years old

Where were you born and where do you live?

I was born in Damascus, Syria, and live in Øvre Årdal, where I am the trustee at Årdalmottak, in a terraced house I share with three other Syrians. I came to Norway a year ago.

Why are you running the Oslo Marathon for the first time?

The main reason is to run to spread the message, which is printed on the t-shirt I wear on race day: "Stop the war in Syria." It is difficult for many to imagine the great tragedy that is unfolding in Syria now.

How did you prepare?

This is the first time I participate in a half marathon. I have not run more than 5-6 km at a time before in my life. Two employees at Årdalmottak have assisted me, so that I can run with the call that we must help the Syrian people. The staff at the reception must also participate. We'll do this together.

How to describe the race in words?

Run, run, until you get rid of anger and negative energy

Run, run to let it happen

Run, run until you get tired

Run, run but do not run

Never give up.

You are only a few steps away from winning.

Just a few steps away from knowing how strong you are. 



Age: 45

Residence: Bærum

Distance during the BMW Oslo Marathon 2020:
I run half, and of course aim to have the widest smile all the way.

Previous participation in the Oslo Marathon:
«10 for Grete» 2013, Half Marathon 2014 and 2015, 2017 and 2018 and marathon in 2019.

Three words that describe me:
Outgoing, Smiling, Energetic

Instagram: @muddylicious