Follow Camilla's (40) road towards the BMW Oslo Marathon 2018

Together with our ambassador, ultra runner Magnus Thorud, we will follow Camilla Marie Andersen's path towards the BMW Oslo Marathon 2018. Here is her inspiring story. 

By Magnus Thorud.

Her lungs long for fresh air and her legs will chase for miles. For the first time in a while, Camilla feels a touch of training optimism. She talks to herself and estimates possible time goals. Can I run a mile in less than an hour today? Or five kilometers in 25 minutes? The shape can not be so bad, or ..? ”

The thoughts in her head continue to spin in combination with her hopefully lacing up her new running shoes and putting on her training jacket. ”

"I will run a half marathon this autumn. I have to do that, damn it! ”

Camilla takes a deep breath and begins to jog across the asphalt, but feels it quickly. She becomes dizzy, has a headache and is nauseous. Eventually she has to stop and squat down so as not to go to the ground.

She gasps for breath and has to face the facts - something is wrong.

Camilla says:

"All my life I have enjoyed being active, even though from nature I have looked as if I have liked to relax on the sofa. I have always enjoyed ball games, team games and I have loved cycling. It was in 2010 that I gradually started jogging. I ran between 5 to 6 times a week. I got in better shape and also ran some 10 km in competition, but it was really mostly to get the "goodie bag" after the race. The content disappointed me every time so then I found out that I did not bother to pay money to take me for a little run. Therefore, I quit organized races and continued self-training.

I gradually started to like running and also got a friend with me who was also hooked. We ran a lot together and I became more and more dependent on having someone to run with. When my friend no longer had as great a need as me to run together, it became harder for me to get out. I therefore decided to set myself a half marathon as a training goal, so that it would be easier to get out on a run alone.

During a holiday trip to Portugal in 2013, I suddenly got leamus on my right eye. Most people have probably experienced this, but this should turn out not to go away right away. After weeks and months, the leamus had become twitches throughout the right half of the face. I also had a headache, poor sleep and a sound in my right ear that sounded like a squirrel eating nuts.

I finally went to the doctor and after a long period of investigation, I was finally diagnosed. A diagnosis that was a bit unusual, especially in people under 60 years of age. I did not feel exactly fit, but the thought of completing a half marathon motivated me to continue training. So I kept running a mile several times a week.

The autumn of 2015 came and I was ready to run my first half marathon during the BMW Oslo Marathon, but just before the event date I was offered an operation to remove my ailments. So when several thousand runners were released in a sunny and summery Oslo, I was instead shaved on half my head and had brain surgery. My half marathon plans went up in smoke.

After the operation, I got back on my feet quickly, but was a little unlucky so I had surgery once or two weeks afterwards. After this, I was instructed by the doctor to stay completely still for 2-3 months. I was told I was going to feel tired for a long time, but I did not believe it and was looking forward to exercising again. After three or four months, I tried my best on my first km of sneakers. By then I had become very thin and it felt as if all the muscles were gone. Still, I believed that it was temporary, something that unfortunately should turn out and not be. I was exhausted and demotivated for over a year, even though the squirrel had moved out of my ear and my hair was growing back. I got a run every now and then and actually completed both half marathons in 2016 and 2017. However, the form was not where it should be and I thought I would die both times.  

In 2017, I got to know Magnus. "UltraMagnus". He began to advocate ultra-running. I thought he was crazy, and did not understand at all how anyone can bother to run so far and so long. Magnus quickly understood that I have problems saying no to a challenge, so without really understanding exactly how, I have said yes to the challenge of running a marathon in September 2018.

I already regret it, but I can not cowardly. I now have 7 months to get in proper marathon form and hope Magnus can help me find both form and motivation to run… far!

In 2013, Camilla contracted a rare disease. It started with leamus on the eye, but developed into twitches throughout the right half of the face, headaches and hearing problems. She does not want to let it ruin the joy of running, and has now set herself the goal of a marathon!

I'm trying my hand as Camilla's coach!

This year, therefore, one of my big goals will be to help Camilla prepare and complete for her very first BMW Oslo marathon.

Running a full marathon is a great strain on the body both physically and mentally. Therefore, Camilla must train focused and targeted towards this autumn's big challenge. Together we will create an exercise program that is adapted to Camilla and her everyday life, and which can hopefully help her regain her good shape and the joy of running after a long period as a patient.

Some of the sessions I will also attend and otherwise be available all the way as her personal coach.

Along the way, we also hope to be able to inspire and motivate you! You can therefore follow Camilla's path to the BMW Oslo marathon via, Instagram magnus2rud and camoflasje.

We're in, are you?

Regards Camilla and BMW Oslo Marathon Ambassador Magnus Thorud



Age: 45

Residence: Bærum

Distance during the BMW Oslo Marathon 2020:
I run half, and of course aim to have the widest smile all the way.

Previous participation in the Oslo Marathon:
«10 for Grete» 2013, Half Marathon 2014 and 2015, 2017 and 2018 and marathon in 2019.

Three words that describe me:
Outgoing, Smiling, Energetic

Instagram: @muddylicious