How to prevent stress injuries?

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Written by Physiotherapist and personal trainer Christine Lundkvist v / Volvat physiotherapy department

Up to 70% of runners develop a strain injury every year. Stress injuries can affect both experienced runners, who push themselves too hard, and exercisers who increase the amount of training without enough basic training. The winter season outside can also be extra stressful for the foot.

" Too much, too fast, too soon - with too little rest"

Runners are particularly prone to strain injuries because running involves unilateral strain on tendons and muscles. This can over time cause an irritation in the tissue which can further give rise to an injury. The most common strain injuries are knee pain, Achilles tendon pain, osteomyelitis and pain in the ankle and foot. Stress injuries in running must be seen in connection with several causal factors such as shoes, surface, dosage of exercise and physical limitations. The winter where it is cold and the surface is tougher is one more prone to stress injuries.

Running technique
Running technique is individual. Whether one lands on the outside or inside foot, whether one runs on the forefoot or the heel varies from person to person. A running analysis can give you some tips for a better running technique and prevent injuries. If you have already suffered an injury, you should get help to analyze your running technique to see if any adjustments should be made. This can relieve the damaged structures and make the damage repair faster. Remember that a change in technique takes time and you have to calculate a number of weeks before it feels natural.

Sole adjustment
A physiotherapist can assess whether you have the right footwear and individually adjust the soles to correct any incorrect load on the foot when you run.

Exercise amount
Incorrect dosage of training amount and intensity in relation to what the tendons and muscles can withstand, can be a risk factor for strain injuries. Think of variation in the surface you run on and try to avoid too much running on the treadmill and asphalt. In the winter season, it is also a good idea to vary studded shoes with regular running shoes.

Strength training
Previous studies show that stress injuries in running can be reduced by practicing preventive strength training. See previous article on strength training for runners with exercise suggestions.

If you have had a previous injury, you are more likely to get an injury again and should think preventively!
If you repeatedly get ailments when you run, you should get help from a physiotherapist who can give you some good advice so that you get the full benefit of running.

Good luck,

With best regards
Physiotherapist and personal trainer
Christine Lundkvist v / Volvat physiotherapy department


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Age: 45

Residence: Bærum

Distance during the BMW Oslo Marathon 2020:
I run half, and of course aim to have the widest smile all the way.

Previous participation in the Oslo Marathon:
«10 for Grete» 2013, Half Marathon 2014 and 2015, 2017 and 2018 and marathon in 2019.

Three words that describe me:
Outgoing, Smiling, Energetic

Instagram: @muddylicious