One of the "invisible" heroes along the trail!

The volunteers, Svein Borge 71 years

Where were you born and where do you come from?

I was born in Oslo, now live at Høyenhall in Oslo.

Why volunteer?

The reason I got involved in the Oslo Marathon was that I had a daughter who was active in Vidar. It was only natural to try to help where the children were active.

How many years have you worked as a volunteer?

I have worked as a volunteer for about 30 years. I started in the mid 80's. In the first years, there was most work at food stations and as a trail guard. Often it was rigging of food stations, then running a marathon and then helping to serve marathon runners and rig down.

Do you have a good story from something you have experienced during the races?

When it comes to stories, these are probably the areas we have had great challenges, but which we still managed to land here, which I remember best.

Like for example. that year I came to the town hall square to organize rigging, and we were missing several hundred fences. With the help of enterprising people, we managed to get the fences during the night before the race. Everything looked bright until I discovered that those who were to help me rig in the morning had been sent to another area. But we just managed to get it ready until the first start went. It usually works out for nice guys.

Last year I also received a clear reminder of how important it is that we volunteers go through a first aid course before the race. I got one with cardiac arrest right in my lap. Now I did not manage to start with heart / lung treatment because a doctor came bouncing over the fence and took over, so my task was to call 113 and block the scene of the injury. But it was good to know that I had the necessary knowledge if I had not received immediate help.

What is the best thing about volunteering for the Oslo Marathon?

The joy of mostly just working with motivated, positive people.



Age: 45

Residence: Bærum

Distance during the BMW Oslo Marathon 2020:
I run half, and of course aim to have the widest smile all the way.

Previous participation in the Oslo Marathon:
«10 for Grete» 2013, Half Marathon 2014 and 2015, 2017 and 2018 and marathon in 2019.

Three words that describe me:
Outgoing, Smiling, Energetic

Instagram: @muddylicious