8 strength exercises for runners

Our ambassador Janne Dahle works as a naprapath, and has put together a strength program for you who love to run, but who occasionally forget to include strength training in your everyday life. Here are 8 strength exercises that are suitable for runners. 


By: Janne Dahle

Strength training for runners is especially important to prevent strain injuries and to improve their running technique. Now that it's colder outside and more people are choosing to do other activities, I recommend you add more strength training to your calendar. This does not have to take a long time, but focus on doing the exercises properly, to get the best effect from the strength training. These exercises are easy to do both indoors and outdoors, without any equipment.

Toe lift: 

Toe lift is an important exercise for runners in particular to prevent injuries and create better power in the running step. It strengthens the feet, the Achilles tendon and the calf muscles at the back of the calf. Place both feet on a step or crate. Use the force from the calf muscles to go all the way up on the toe and down again with the heels slightly below the step. Repeat 10-15 repetitions, 3 rounds.


Pelvic lift: 

The exercise strengthens the buttocks, back thighs and pelvic floor muscles. At the same time, the muscles on the front of the thigh and the hip flexors are stretched. Lift the pelvis by tensing the gluteal muscles and pinch in the top position. Slowly lower and repeat. The exercise can also be done with a mini band / elastic around the knees for additional tension around the hips. Repeat 10-12 repetitions, 3 rounds.


Ongoing outcome: 

The exercise strengthens the muscles on the front of the thigh, around the knee and the gluteal muscles. Keep your upper body upright. Take a step forward with one leg. The hind leg barely touches the ground. Then use the muscles on the front leg to get forward. Focus on keeping your knee straight. Avoid falling the knee inwards. Repeat 10-20 repetitions, 3 rounds.


Frog walk: 

The exercise strengthens the buttocks muscles on the outside. For runners, it is extra important to be strong in these muscles, as it protects both knees and hips. Stand with your legs hip-width apart. Bend your knees and get deep into a squat position while moving from one side x number of steps and then moving to the other side. Can also be done with elastic. Do 10-12 repetitions, 3 rounds


Side plank with rotation: 

The exercise trains the oblique abdominal muscles that account for most of the rotation in the abdomen. Strong muscles in the abdomen help to create power, stability and good progress when you run. Place one hand on the ground while the feet are placed fairly close together. Tighten your hips so that you are in a straight position. Before, the upper arm went down and below the waist. Create a rotation. Do 5-10 repetitions on each side, 3 rounds.


Mountain Climber: 

The exercise strengthens the straight abdominal muscles as well as the hip flexors. A strong core is injury-preventing and creates a large power transmission to each running step. Place your palms in front of you. Before then put your feet against your chest. Every other page. Do 10-12 repetitions, 3 rounds.


Stepup on bench: 

The exercise strengthens muscles around the ankle, knee and hips. Put one foot on the bench and put all the weight on the leg that is on the bench while using the force from the ankle, knee and hip to get up. Do the exercise alternately from leg to leg. Do 5-10 repetitions on each leg, 3 rounds.


Bulgarian outcome: 

The exercise has a great transfer value to running because the body weight is balanced on one leg at a time throughout the exercise. The exercise strengthens the buttocks and thigh muscles on both the front and back. It also stretches well on the hip flexor. Place one foot on a bench. Place the other foot in front of you so that you get a 90 degree angle between the thigh and calf when you then lower yourself. Push the chest forward and keep a straight line throughout the body. Create power from the heel of the front foot via the knee and hip to push yourself up to the starting position again. Repeat 5-10 repetitions on each foot, 3 rounds.






Age: 45

Residence: Bærum

Distance during the BMW Oslo Marathon 2020:
I run half, and of course aim to have the widest smile all the way.

Previous participation in the Oslo Marathon:
«10 for Grete» 2013, Half Marathon 2014 and 2015, 2017 and 2018 and marathon in 2019.

Three words that describe me:
Outgoing, Smiling, Energetic

Instagram: @muddylicious